Wednesday, December 30, 2009

sayonara 2009

today is the last day of 2009 le
say sayonara lu ~~
many things just happen at 2009 ~
this year i met dou yung yee that gang ~
play with them everyday ~~
and also met puan how xDD
hope next year see u again ~ hahahahah
tomolo will be the first day of 2010
hope everything will be ok next year ~~~
will also work hard for next year ~
work hard going to toilet continuosly at school
work hard playing around xDDDDDD
and also work hard in study
hehe i'm not that bad la xD
this year no more fireworks =[
going to mom friend house countdown = =

留下我自己一个人 =[
哈哈哈哈。。。。。。突然很想念你发桥的样子= =

Monday, December 14, 2009

cameron highland trip

first day

went to cameron highland for 3 days 2 night
about morning like this went to uncle biao house and
go eat breakfast
then uncle keong came adi jau drive us
go to Ipoh , then meet aunty bing
ate she do geh cheese cake at her house... yum yum
then go to foodcourt eat lunch
go bak aunty bing house take all those beer and bbq thing
then go to cameron lo ~~
about 5.00 reach
put things to uncle keong apartment
then ate durian ~~~
then uncle wong shun reached ........
then jau talk many things = = damn funny ><
then jau uncle wong kiu come lo ~~
the small son so cute nerhhhh
they say uncke wong kiu name in chinese
huang gou ==
then uncle wong shun go to fetch his son ,zi cong
then we jau take all those BBQ thing ... go to the BBQ place....
then they start put up the fire
then jau eat lo ~~~
then uncle seng come adi ............ and zuer and her mom also cum adi
then jau start eat eat eat
then eat finish adi = = everyone like not enuf to eat
then uncle wong shun call zi cong go buy satay
then they jau talk those hamsup thing ~~ hahahah
they say wad... after two years a... ur son will take two girls go bak home = =
then jau say bicycle = =||
then eat adi sate jau go bak apartment ~~
then jau sleep lu ~~

second day

early morning jau wake up liao ~~
then eat mihun ~~
then go to mamak stall eat sum thing lo~~
then uncle wong kiu jau bring his son
go to the garden there ~~~actually we want to go to the BOH tea
but traffic jam ... so we go bak ~~
just uncle wong kiu and uncle wong
bring their son go strawberry farm
we go bak sleep ~~~
then 2.00 ++ sumthing .... went to uncle wong shun house
then we sit the jeep go up to his farm ><
the road so many stone ~~ and o... all those habuk fly here fly there = =
then my pigu damn pain de lo ><
then go to his farm see see
then jau go to the "zheng yang hua yuan "
new opening office see see
damn big and damn beautiful ><
yuan lai do farm also can be so rich geh ~~ haha
about 6.00++
go bak to uncle wong shun house
uncle wong kiu cook the ayam and the udang with the beer
after that leh ... we jau start eat our steamboat ~~
there cold dou o... eat steamboat also wont feel hot = =
then jau eat eat eat ~~
then eat finish adi ~~
listen to uncle aunty say thing = =
that night very cold de lo = =... i still wear short pants .. cold dou me la ><
then leh ~~ got something happen ~~
very paiseh write here ~~ hahaha
my mom tell zi cong o.... mom geh phone want anot ??
then my ahh yi say ~ me de phone number also can de ~~
zi cong damn paiseh then jau say suan la suan la .... then jau
fast fast run in to his house ~~ hah
then about 9.00++ jau go bak to our apartment
then play cards with uncle wong kiu three son
then after that jau play chor dai di with uncle wong kiu
and his eldest son ~~~
all adults jau sit at the balcony talk craps ~~ xD
then drink beer ><
then about 11.00++ jau sleep lu ~~

last day

woke up quite early also ~~ about 10 .00++
all wake up adi just me ><
then jau eat egg with bread = =
then jau go bathe ~ and start pack things ~~
then about 11.00++ jau go to uncle wong shun house again ~
then 12.00++ go the the "zhen yang opening day "
eat buffet at there ~~
then jau go walk walk lo ~~
see dou the flower so damn big = =||
and the office so beautiful nerhxxx
then about 2.00++ jau sit the jeep lo ~~
go bak to uncle wong shun house ~~
go toilet a.... wash face like this ...
then jau say 88 to everyone ~~ then jau
balik rumah lu ~~~
about 6.00 like this reach home ~~~~~

conclusion = very happy ~
wont forget these days
will miss him ~~
hope no need wait
so long
onli can meet bak them <3

Tagged by yung yee

Lets start this with tagging 10 people and have fun.
Pass it on.

1. Yung yee
2. Yen siew
3. Karen
4. Xiiaoyi jie
5. Jiaqi
6. Sohpo sifu
7. Seoh kuan
8. Jia yi
9. Jclyn
10. Foong yee

1. Would you date number 5?
- err....... everyday also date hahahahha

2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
- LOL ~~ choi choi choi ~~

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend.
-err.... impossible ... haha

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
- sei xiiaoji jie ...... finding wad a = =

5. Number 1 is acting weird.
- she memang weird punya

6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
-LOL they dunno each other punya = =

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
-LOL = = apa ticket first ?? A movie? = =

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
-LOL im possible .. she guai guai lui punya = =

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
-LOL = = mana u are going ?? bak to the chicken farm?? hahahah i will visit u geh

10.You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
the cop maybe chasing jiayi for stealing comb = =

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
-eleh = = || everyday also like this geh la

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
- = =|| sure is her mom ask go out de lo = = haha

13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
- sitting on a bus ?? o.O long time no sit bus = =

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can’t sleep.
- eleh = =|| call she dunt kacau ~ hahah go find his bf la = =

15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
- she is sohpo then must act like sohpo = =

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
- LOL ~~ dumped by who ??? i help u wacked them hahahahha

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
- err..... i think she would be using the oven coz i saw before the oven
stuffed with many things = =||

18. Number 5 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
- = =|| the koala hold her or she hold the koala ?? haha

19. Number 3 just got you an X-Box.
- LOL == i sek sai you hahahah

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children’s card game.
- aiaya == u sure win de lo .... so childish ~ xDDD

21. Number 1 thinks he/she’s overweight.
- she always think she is over weight = = gila punya

22. Number 7 looks lonely.
- ke lian = = she will be lone ly next year ... coz her twin tower is leaving

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
- = =|| she wont ~~ haha i can say she WONT !! haha coz she nid me = =||

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
- did they know each other?? = =

25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say?
- her hair memnag black punya = =

26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
- = =|| choi choi = = just now say she accdent now got shooting = =|| she can be alive then she is die hard lo ... hahaha XD

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
- eleh = =|| she cry sure will got another twin tower beside him geh la ....

28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible?
- LOL?? = = number 5 wont tackle me = = |||||| number 6 maybe will hahahahahah she say she is lengzai = =|| number 1 ?? after 100 years also wont = = number 3 maybe la.... she is my baby ma ~~ hahah

Sunday, December 6, 2009

tag by xiiaoji jie





★马来文名★Loh Zinyi






★体高★157 cm gua ~





★嗜好★玩电脑 ,游泳[很久没有游了]


★怪癖★我要人家跟我说88 哈哈



★愿望★钱来,钱来,睡死 , 活到70-80就好 呵呵 ,还有很多

★地址★kl [呵呵,自己猜]再给你tips cheras



★卡通★doraemon ><


★音乐★什么都可以, 不要催眠曲就可以了

★食物★什么都爱 除了大便><

★饮料★水 哈哈









★美女★我~ 哈哈哈哈 [ 开玩笑]



★动物★猴子 [呵呵]



★电影★orphan ....等



★朋友★ 可以说笑的

★模特儿★ = = 我的姐 哈哈哈哈 他说他是姚明的妹妹吗。。。。


★座右铭★吃大便+yak k


★英文歌★很多~ 懒得写




★电视剧★可以不要问酱多吗 = =


★若时光能倒流?★ 呵呵,那就好了,可以预知未来

★若选择一个人永远爱你?★永远??我爸咯~permanent geh ~ haha


★若有一天醒来,发现自己的样子变成金城武/蔡依林,你会?★ 会吓死,不要酱早死

★若有三个愿望★ 想下先, 留着有事的时候用

★面包/爱情★ eleh ~面包 = =|| 没钱就选面包,有钱就选爱情,实际点


★雨天/晴天★ 阴天 带有点太阳

☆为什么☆ hoho, 有阳光又不会熱


☆为什么☆ 喜欢飞去哪里就飞去哪里,我是一只小小小小鸟 ~ 哈哈哈哈


☆为什么☆ 喜欢就喜欢咯~ feeling ~

山上怕会跌下去死掉 ><


★唱歌/跳舞★ 两个都可以

☆为什么☆我喜欢啦,又不是唱给人听 ,也不是跳给人看


☆为什么☆ 不懂哦 , 有美貌回引起人的嫉妒 ,容易给人绑架 哈哈哈

★平淡。轰烈的日子★ 平淡

☆为什么☆ 不懂啦 = =

★相信/提防★提防 和相信

☆为什么☆ 宁可信其有,信了再作堤防

★头脑好/性格好★ 两个都要

☆为什么☆ 我很贪心

★干皮肤/油皮肤★ 两个都不要 ><

☆为什么☆ 两个都不好的

★金钱/快乐★ 金钱不要太少 ,快乐要很多

☆为什么☆金钱只是为了物质上的享受, 没有快乐就会忧郁,还要花钱看心理医生 ><



★朋友对你好吗?★哪里懂,可能外表好,心里不好 = =


★好朋友是?★err......有事会帮 , 会相信自己 ,不会离弃你 ,会听你的心事 ,基本上都是酱多罢了


★相信一辈子吗?★ 人算不如天算

★喜欢自己吗?★不喜欢= = 有时候讨厌自己很自私



★若说最后一句话就哑口,你会?★ 呵呵 ,很多想说,没关系我就没有句号地说出来

★若明天世界末日,你会?★ 做我想做的事, 不会逃避,世界末日就是代表新的开始,一切重新开始也不错啊

★若你爱的人明天离开你,你会?★ 看咯。。。 到时才讲,应该不会酱早死

★最喜欢的一句话★ 漂亮发自内心


○时尚吗?okok la




○spm有信心吗? = = PMR都还没考 部多有信心考好过我的哥哥 哈哈

○认为自己可以拿几科A? 不懂

-什么科?- 还没考 , 还不懂自己的程度


★崇拜的艺人★em...演戏厉害的就好+ 才艺好

★能为他神魂颠倒的艺人★ 没有

★搞笑的艺人★吴综现 [ 不懂他的名怎样写啦]

★讨厌的艺人★不懂 ,扮可爱


★漂亮的艺人★ 艺人不漂亮就不是艺人

★ 不懂

★可爱的艺人★蝴蝶姐姐 哈哈


★气质型艺人★ 不懂


★帅哥型艺人★err。。。 不懂





我答这些问题答到头痛 ><


- darling
-foong yee

Thursday, December 3, 2009

tag by xiiaoyi jie

A. 被点到名字的要在自己的博客里写下自己的答案,
仍然组成20个问题, 传给其他8个人,

B. 这8个人要在自己的部落格裡註明是从哪裡接到的,


· zinyi

· em....can dunt say ma? = =

· 每次都不爽人家,哈哈,不爽人家那么好 = =

· 呵呵,等到适当的时间才表白吧~

· 漂亮,不是很斯文(算是斯文),运动好咯

· 美到爆

· 钱 = = 我要钱!!!!

· 每天豆酱开心 = = 看我遇到什么事和什么人咯

· 呵呵~全部豆酱幽默,不过我幽默过他们~哈哈

· 有点粗鲁,要讲什么就讲什么。。。(不要跟你们讲这么多)


12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市? 为什麼?
· 威尼斯,超浪漫的

· 无聊的问题 = =

· 呵呵。。。 不懂 = =||

· 没有人跟我讲话咯,跟你们讲笑话当我没到酱

· 昨天咯。。。看小说看到哭~哈哈哈~没有啦~是因为妈妈煮那个辣椒~腔到

· teh tarik kau kau ~ haha迟早糖尿病死掉

· 当然是家人

· 成为我的好友,然后一起死


3.Sohpo sifu
4..seoh kuan
6.mei khey
8.foong yee